Thursday, November 24

Fashion 101: Y

Today we are learning about fashion, not food.  It's interesting because this word has at least 3 meanings that I know of.  It's similar to Mandarin when the same word with different intonations can have up to 4 different meanings.  Anyways, I'm getting off track.  Let's learn!


Definition: A fabric cut that is seamed across the top of a shirt, trouser or skirt.  Quality shirts typically have a two-piece split yoke to ensure an excellent fit across the shoulders.  A yoke is also a decorate fabric attached to the top of a garment around the neck and over the shoulders.

Rebecca Taylor Blouse
The Rebecca Taylor blouse above uses a row of ruffles as yoke for decoration and detail among a simple sleeveless blouse.

Credit: The Visual Dictionary of Fashion Design, Ambrose & Harris

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting!!! I didn't know that. Love this. :D


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