Tuesday, November 8

Fashion 101: I

Growing up, I always hated history.  I felt that it was outdated (duh) and didn't really do anything for me at the time.  As I've gotten older, I've realized that history is completely relevant and important to know in order to understand the present and the future.  Now I find myself reading biographies and historical memoirs that capture the essence of lost eras and how it incorporates into the world today.  I'm such a daydreamer.

Industrial Revolution

Definition: A technological, socio-economic and cultural revolution that began in 18th-century England and saw mechanization replace manual labour.  The textile and wool industries were the first to benefit with increased production capacity, prompting people to flood into growing cities like Manchester from the country.  Industrialisation replaced the spinning wheel and hand loom and saw improvements in raw material production.  The subsequent growth of the weaving industry saw manufactured cotton goods become the dominant British export.

Chinese processing plant
In the past decade, China has also faced an industrial revolution of sorts.  They are the 2nd ranking largest economy and the fastest-growing one at that.  In the 1960s, 60% of the workforce was involved in agriculture production.  Today it's less than 20% as the workforce continues their migration to produce electronics and textiles.

Credit: The Visual Dictionary of Fashion Design, Ambrose & Harris, Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. So interesting! It makes you wonder what's going to happen to our food supply!

    xo Mary Jo


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