Wednesday, October 12

Pumpkin Extravaganza!

Whenever a holiday comes around, I get all Martha Stewart-ish.  I turn traditional and nostalgic, start baking seasonal treats, and think of a billion crafty ideas.  If only I had time for them all....le sigh.  Last night was a different story.  I miraculously got my homework done in time to start on Halloween fun times.  On the agenda: pumpkin double-layer cheesecake and pumpkin carving.

A few quick notes:
1. I like to make my own crust, usually.  Honest, I do!  
2. No, I didn't use fresh pumpkin puree.  We don't have a blender.
3. My baking secret: Always add more sugar.

Fun Facts:
1. Our Jack-O-Lantern breathes fire. Well...kind of.
2. Bf has never carved a pumpkin before.  (He did the right side.)
3. The only thing more fun than carving the pumpkin is roasting (and eating) the seeds.

Are you prepared for Halloween yet?


  1. So glad I got my profile sorted so you could visit! I read the words, "pumpkin double-layer cheesecake" and my immediate reaction was "oh you've got to be kidding me!!" (face smack) First Amelia Pontes is tweeting about these amazing eggs, hugged by bacon and there are pic's involved that have me drowning in my own drool, and now there's pumpking double layer cheesecake??? I think I've gained 10 pounds just reading the internet today. I wish my Martha Stewart side would kick in already. I'm just being a lazy bag of bones at this point.

  2. I do have a twitter! I was trying to access yours but when I click on it, I get a "server reset" message. I'm symbiotic_life on twitter.

  3. Ok, lol - you're trying to kill me right? Bacon wrapped dates that are slightly caramelized. Apparently I have an addictive prone personality and bacon is one of my Achilles heels. This can never lead to anything good.

  4. LOVE! Do you have a link to the recipie?

  5. That is fab, I've never tasted pumping pie, I need a scratch 'n' sniff option!


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